AgitarOne - Putting Java to the Test
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Why Perform Unit Testing?

Many Java development teams want to be much more agile, trying to meet three related goals: faster time-to-market, higher quality, and more flexibility. Unit testing is an effective approach that improves time-to-market, quality, and flexibility. The key idea is that each unit of code needs its own tests and the best person to test that code initially is the developer working on it. Enabling developers to test their code as they write it encourages quality to be built in from the start. Having unit tests makes it easier and safer to modify the code because the tests document and protect the intended behavior and can quickly catch various regressions.

However, unit testing can be time-consuming; therefore, it is often ignored. Having AgitarOne's automation to assist with unit testing can help greatly. And AgitarOne is fully integrated with the Eclipse IDE, further increasing developer productivity and easing adoption by providing a familiar look and feel.

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         Unit Testing's Value
  • Why use JUnit Generator
       to create JUnit tests
          that characterize code?

    AgitarOne JUnit Generator, the most powerful Java unit test generation solution available, commonly provides 80% code coverage or better with its automatically generated, compilable JUnit tests.

    JUnit Generator, powered by Agitar's innovative software agitation technology, provides the fastest and easiest way to create a thorough regression suite of JUnit tests, both for new code and for legacy applications. It facilitates introducing unit testing at any time in the project's lifecycle, by creating tests that document the behavior of your code as it exists. Developers can refine the generation of JUnit tests if they deem it helpful, by writing some helper methods in the familiar paradigm of Java code. And existing JUnit tests can be maintained and run alongside the automatically generated JUnit tests if desired.

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         AgitarOne™ JUnit Generator
  • Free 30 Day Trial

    Why use Agitator
       to generate observations
          of potential problems
          with new code?

    • AgitarOne Agitator, the most powerful exploratory unit testing tool for Java available, provides an interactive understanding of code behavior as a developer writes or modifies Java code. Agitator automatically creates test cases based upon code, executes them, and provides observations from the tests to help developers validate the code's expected behavior and discover unexpected behaviors.
    • Agitator, powered by Agitar's innovative software agitation technology, provides observations that tell developers what code really does, regardless of what the specs or design documents say. When objects depend on other objects, Agitator uses mocks as needed. Observations are displayed and ranked in order of relevance. Developers can promote observations that demonstrate intended code behavior to assertions, which are durable regression tests. Assertions that fail can indicate bugs in the code. When observations demonstrate unintended code behavior (bugs), developers can fix the code to remedy the problems.
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        AgitarOne™ Agitator
  • Free 30 Day Trial