AgitarOne - Putting Java to the Test

Code-Rule Enforcement

Both AgitarOne JUnit Generator and AgitarOne Agitator include automated enforcement of customizable code rules, standards, and guidelines. These code rules can be configured to support corporate or team standards and shared amongst developers and projects to ensure that a consistent and unified set of rules are used. AgitarOne evaluates these rules during builds to protect the project code from error-prone coding patterns.

AgitarOne - Code RUles (click to enlarge)

AgitarOne evaluates the same rule set interactively on every developer desktop to help developers avoid introducing coding patterns that might eventually lead to bugs as they develop their code. Developers can easily override particular code rules depending on their needs; AgitarOne records their decision so that the rest of the team can challenge the decision if necessary. AgitarOne’s powerful code rule feedback helps teams easily avoid preventable defects early in the development process.